The next meeting of GoVT will be held in person and by Zoom at the VFW #648 (15 Wales Street in Rutland) on Sunday, October 20th. Meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.
Parking for the VFW is available in the back parking lot. If you prefer, please join us via scheduled Zoom meeting – see information below.
Be advised that this is the Annual Meeting for 2024.
With the November election coming really soon, NOW is the time to ensure that you ARE Registered to Vote! You can check with your Town Clerk, OR you can go to the State of Vermont’s website at:
You can check your registration status, OR you can also Register to vote. Please take steps NOW to confirm that you can vote in both the Vermont and National elections for candidates who will support your rights.
Please VOTE NOW so you can be sure your vote is counted. Help your friends get registered and see that they vote as well.
Rob Johnson
Secretary, Gun Owners of Vermont
Topic: GoVT monthly meetings – every 3rd Sunday of each month
Time: 1:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 968 2746 9672
Passcode: 864496
Don’t forget to support the mag-ban lawsuit:“
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