If you’ve been wondering where your tax dollars are going, look no further than Vermont’s General Assistance Emergency Housing Program—a “temporary” solution that has turned into a multi-million-dollar annual spending habit. Originally designed to provide shelter during severe weather, the program’s cost has skyrocketed from modest pre-pandemic levels to tens of millions of dollars annually. And if you’re not paying attention, you should be—because you’re footing the bill.
The True Cost of “Compassion”
This program has cost Vermont taxpayers $79 million annually over the last three years—a jaw-dropping increase from its pre-pandemic levels of less than $7.1 million per year. For Fiscal Year 2025, the state proposes spending $44 million, with contingency funds potentially pushing that number to $54 million. While this is a reduction from the pandemic peak, it’s still 8-10 times the pre-pandemic spending.
The latest debate focuses on extending the program’s so-called “winter rules,” which provide taxpayer-funded hotel stays, beyond their March 31 expiration date—straight through to June 30. Vermonters know June isn’t “winter,” and the idea of continuing winter housing rules well into summer has raised eyebrows among critics.
How Much More Can Taxpayers Take?
To some, $1.84 million for the extension might seem small in the context of a $50+ million program, but for taxpayers already reeling from last year’s massive property tax increases, it’s an insult. Adding even more to this spending package ignores the real issue: this program isn’t temporary anymore. What started as an emergency measure during Vermont’s harsh winters now seems like an open-ended commitment with no clear exit strategy.
The harsh reality is this: the legislature and the providers will always find reasons to spend more. Without taxpayer pushback, these “temporary” solutions will keep growing in scope and cost, regardless of their effectiveness. It’s time for taxpayers to demand a clear end date to programs that never seem to deliver on their promise of temporary relief.
The Political Divide
This latest extension passed along party lines in a 7-4 straw vote, with the final decision expected on Monday. Some lawmakers argue the program is a necessity to protect vulnerable populations, citing the 400 children currently housed in hotels. Others see it as misguided spending that offers no real solution to homelessness.
Critics also emphasize that the extension of “winter rules” into the summer months undermines the very premise of the program. It’s yet another example of a well-meaning policy that risks turning into a permanent fixture, without clear accountability or a long-term plan.
Take Action: Contact Your Representatives
This isn’t just a budget issue—it’s about the future of responsible governance in Vermont. Contact your representatives today and ask them:
- Why are “winter rules” being applied in June?
- How much more will this program cost taxpayers?
- What’s the long-term plan to address homelessness?
- When will this program finally end?
The House Appropriations Committee is directly responsible for these budgetary decisions. Below is a list of its current members, along with their party affiliation and town. Find your local representative and make your voice heard.
- Rep. Robin Scheu (Chair) – (D) Addison-1
- Rep. James Harrison (Vice Chair) – (R) Rutland-11
- Rep. Tiffany Bluemle (Ranking Member) – (D) Chittenden-15
- Rep. Eileen Dickinson – (R) Franklin-3
- Rep. John Kascenska – (R) Caledonia-4
- Rep. Wayne Laroche – (R) Franklin-5
- Rep. Michael Mrowicki – (D) Windham-4
- Rep. Michael Nigro – (D) Bennington-2
- Rep. Trevor Squirrell (Clerk) – (D) Chittenden-9
- Rep. Thomas Stevens – (D) Washington-Chittenden
- Rep. David Yacovone – (D) Lamoille-Washington
Vermonters deserve better than endless extensions, vague promises, and never-ending tax increases to fund a program that seems to be on autopilot. Make your voice heard—because if you don’t, your wallet will.
Dave Soulia | FYIVT
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